
pikaland boot camp. collage

I am working on pikaland camp.
It has been so interesting.
I am not sure where I am going with these collages, however, I am in so love with collage .
It definitely expends my illustration techniques and ideas.


fish bowl

I made a fish bowl ! I can't wait to paint and fire it...
I learned that clay makes beautiful sound when they cool down from fire.


sketches at cafe

I went to a cafe and draw with J.
And, J read cartoon on his ipad. It was nice to draw dogs.  :)


mother memorable food

We talked about 5 senses in my class.
visual, hearing, taste, sense, smell, touch.

The teacher told us that If we can write about senses except visual, it is good writing.
I wonder why visual is not included... may be it is because visual is the first thing we sense the world.
visual is amazing thing, but, sometimes because of visual, we miss other important things.
Last night I woke up in the middle of night and wrote 5 ideas for writing.
I think i want to be a story teller than a illustrator.

I wrote a writing about memorable food.
I am writing in Korean...


Writing writing

Now that a busy production at work is over, It is the time for me to feed my brain and grow.
I am taking two writing classes right now , and they really motivate me .

I decide to write something, anything before I surf the web site ,watch TV,or reading.
I should draw something every day, too . Anything! It doesn't mater what I write or draw.working something regularly is very important.